Background: Patient satisfaction has been viewed as a valid outcome measure of a health care delivery system. Satisfaction evaluations reflect the expectation from patient’s point of view and compare with the realities of the care received. Hence the present study was planned to assess and compare patient satisfaction with nursing care in government and private hospitals.
Methodology: Descriptive comparative research design was adopted and 120 in-patients were selected through convenience sampling technique from the medical, surgical, orthopedics and gynecology ward. Patients were interviewed using structured rating scale for which validity and reliability was ensured.
Results: The findings revealed that the patient rated nursing care in both hospitals at highest level of satisfaction. It was found that mean patient satisfaction score was significantly higher (P<0.001) in private hospital (91.45%) as compared to government hospital (84%). Patient satisfaction was significantly high among surgical patients as compared to medicine, gynecology, orthopedic patients in both the hospital (P<0.05). The majority of the patients were highly satisfied with respect, value, preference given, expressed needs understood by nurses in both the hospitals. However patients were least satisfied with the physical comfort provided by nurses in private hospital whereas in government hospital patients were least satisfied with emotional support provided by the nurses. There was a significant association found among patients marital status and their satisfaction level towards nursing care in the private hospital (P>0.05).
Conclusions: Statistically significant difference in patients’ satisfaction did exist between a government and a private hospital that too with the nursing care received after they underwent a surgical procedure. The total satisfaction score in both the arms was high and most of the patients were admitted through emergency. The investigators recommend the study to be replicated involving a larger sample size, more hospital setup and incorporation of randomization and blinding with a consideration of removing the confounding factors.