To compare duration of caudal analgesia, hemodynamic change, degree of sedation & to study the side effects of drugs if any during intraoperative and postoperative period. 60 children between age group of 2-10 years belonging to ASA I or II undergoing various elective lower abdominal surgeries were randomly allocated to two groups of 30 each. Group A received (0.25% plain bupivacaine 1ml/kg + 1 ml Normal Saline) and Group B received (0.25% plain bupivacaine 1ml/kg + 1µg/kg clonidine + 1 ml Normal Saline). Postoperative pain, duration of analgesia, time of first rescue analgesic, total number of rescue analgesic doses, hemodynamic changes, complications and sedation were recorded. The duration of analgesia in the post operativeperiod was more in Group B (8.98±.76) Hrs ascompared to Group A (4.91±.84) Hr. The mean sedation scores were higher in Group B as compared to Group A. It was observed that Addition of clonidine 1µg/kg to bupivacaine (0.25%) 1ml/kg for caudal block prolong the duration of analgesia in children.