Objectives: To compare normal amniotic fluid index versus decreased amniotic fluid index measurement for predicting perinatal outcomes at or beyond 40 weeks of gestation.
Material and Methods: The present study was a prospective observational study and includes 120 normal antenatal women at gestational age 40 weeks or beyond (By Last Menstrual Period/1stTrimister Scan). After Institutional Ethics Committee approval all recruited women was assessed at the 3rd trimester visit for baseline demographic and obstetric data . After taking a detailed history and examination women were subjected to ultrasonography for amniotic fluid index (AFI) .Based on ultrasonography measurement of AFI women were divided into 2 groups . The correlation of normal amniotic fluid index versus decreased amniotic fluid index measurement with perinatal outcome were computed for the two groups.
Group I - Women having Normal AFI
Group II - Women having Decreased AFI
Results: In Group I 31(34.44%) women were induced and in Group II 30 (100%) were induced for oligohydramnios. 65 women (72.22%) Vs10 women (33.33%) had normal vaginal delivery and 25 women(27.28% ) Vs 20 women (66.67%) had undergone LSCS in Group I and Group II respectively. Higher rate of LSCS was observed in Group II and the results were significant(‘p’<0.05) .Significant difference between the rate of LSCS for fetal distress was observed between Group II. There was a significant difference for presence of meconium (33.33% ) in Group II compared to Group I. The Mean ± SD of Apgar score at 5 minute was 8.15±0.36 Vs 8.13±0.34 in the two groups, respectively (‘p’ > 0.944).
Conclusion: Decreased Amniotic fluid index (AFI) excessively characterizes patients as having oligohydramnios, leading to an increase in mortality.