Background: Obtunding the hemodynamic responses during laryngoscopy and intubation remains a major concern for the anesthesiologists. The present study was being done to compare the haemodynamic changes and glottic visualization during intubation between C-MAC, Mc Coy and Macintosh Laryngoscopes.
Methods: We conducted the study on 150 patients under ASA I or ASA II scheduled for elective surgery the patients were randomly assigned to one of the three groups, each containing 50 patients, using computer generated random allocation chart. The intubation was performed with Group-A (Macintosh), Group-B (McCoy) and Group-C (C-MAC). Hemodynamic variables such as Heart rate, Systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, mean arterial pressure were recorded before, during and till 5 minutes post intubation and glottis opening was assessed with Cormack lehane grading.
Observations and Conclusion: There was statistical significant increase in hemodynamic parameters during laryngoscopy and intubation of patients of all the three study groups but less increase in hemodynamic responses were observed in patients intubated with McCoy laryngoscope when compared with patients intubated with Macintosh and C Mac laryngoscope. The C Mac laryngoscope shows better visualization of glottis when compared to that of Macintosh and McCoy.