The present generation has been so much influenced by technology; it allows students to take charge of their own learning. One of the recent technological tools that has fascinated and effected student learning is Tablet-PC [hereafter ‘tablet’]. This research work investigates the effectiveness of interactive tablet technology on the achievement, attitude and interest of high schools students in chemistry. The purpose of this research was also to draw a comparison between use of on screen videos and interactive simulation on tablets. The design selected for the present study was pre-test, post-test non-equivalent group design. Additionally, the qualitative part of the study aims to determine the ways in which teachers and students use tablets in classroom and how much they encourage or discourage the active participation of children in the process of teaching-and-learning. The sample constitutes of 106 students of American International School in Dubai, U.A.E. The researcher conducted pre-test and post-test on three major units of high school chemistry. Science Attitude Scale and Science Interest Inventory were also checked before and after the treatment. Students were divided into two groups, students learning with Computer-Aided Instruction: On-screen video (CAI- group-1) and Tablet Interactive Learning (TIL- group-2). The answer scripts, scales and inventory were carefully evaluated. The findings of the study indicate that group-2 [TIL] students performed significantly better in their post-test total mean scores. After the treatment, group-2 students also show increase in scientific attitude and interest. Student and teacher surveys after the treatment helped in discovering many uses and educational functions of tablets. Classroom observations show much better student participation, engagement and interaction in the experimental group [TIL]. In comparison to general on-screen video in classroom, there is a significant positive effectiveness of tablet interactive learning on student’s achievement, attitude and interest.