Introduction-Controlled force and finesse are required for simple tooth extraction. Various technological advances are available to improve outcome for patients with the aim of atraumatic extraction. Physics forceps is uniquely designed in such a way that the "bumper" on the buccal side will act as a fulcrum while flat palatal beak will be the effort arm. Thus it acts as a 1stclass lever providing a mechanical advantage which makes it very efficient. Unlike conventional forceps, physics forceps make one point contact with the tooth surface which reduces trauma at the surgical site and consequently the pain and inflammation which results in post-operative phase. Trial design-A randomized controlled, single-blind, prospective trial was carried out in the Dept. of OMFS and outcome variables (operating time, incidence of fractured alveolus and root fracture, inflammatory complications including post-operative pain) were compared. Method- Patients requiring maxillary molar extraction were divided into two groups, and extraction was carried out using Physics forceps and Conventional extraction forceps. Result-Statistically significant difference was noted in operative time and post-operative pain, both being less in physics forceps group.Conclusion- Physics forceps with a definite learning curve offers the clinician unique opportunity to undertake conventionally difficult extractions atraumatically so as to maintain the alveolar height thus facilitating immediate prosthetic rehabilitation.