Background: Bullous pemphigoid and vitiligo are both autoimmune skin disorders, but their coexistence is extremely rare. Around 16% to 29% of bullous pemphigoid, are of Localized type. Case report: A 73 year old male farmer presented with a spontaneously appearing bullous eruption localized to both thighs, and complaints of intense pruritus for 3 weeks duration. He was also a known case of vitiligo who underwent PUVA therapy 10 years back. On examination, there were tense vesicles and bullae present over vitiligo patches and normal skin over posteromedial aspect of bilateral thighs. Clinical, histopathological, immunofluorescence findings were suggestive of Localized bullous pemphigoid. Conclusion: This case was unique because of rare coexistence of localized bullous pemphigoid and vitiligo, few bulla developed on preexisting vitiliginous regions, excellent outcome with topical therapy. Bullous pemphigoid is a great mimicker, hence it is mandatory to do skin biopsy, DIF and circulating autoantibodies detection in doubtful cases; for prevention and better prognosis of the disease.