Background: Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) including AIDS are becoming a major public health problem in developing countries worldwide.
Objective: To highlight the pattern of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and the profile of patients with HIV infection in STI patients as seen at our tertiary urban hospital.
Methods: A retrospective analysis of records of patients attending the STD clinic during the period of April 2015 till April 2017 was done.
Results: A total of 2190 patients attended the STD clinic, out of which1248 were males and 942 were females with the male: female ratio of 1.32:1. Maximum patients (52.3%) belonged to the age group of 20-30 years. Candidiasis (vulvovaginal candidiasis in women and candidal balanitis/balanoposthitis in men) was the most common (non-ulcerative) STI in 37.9% patients Herpes genitalis was the most common (ulcerative) STI, 590 (27.0%) out of 2190 patients had herpes genitalis. Followed by Genital wart in 13%,Gonococcal urethritis in 8.9%, Genital molluscum in 5.4%, Non gonococcal urethritis 4.8%, Syphillis in 0.5%, chanchroid in 0.3%, LGV in 0.2% HIV seropositivity was seen in 55 patients. ie 2.57%.
Conclusion: The present study showed Genital Candidiasis was the most common nonulcerative STI and Herpes genitalis was the most common ulcerative STI, in our study. The prevalence of HIV among STI clients in India has been on the rise, which was also seen in our study.