The musculoskeletal disorders are one of the most common chronic disorders in the world. According to Ayurveda, joint and muscular pains are primary Vata disorders due to the accumulation of toxins (Ama) in the joints which lead to developing musculoskeletal disorders.
This study elucidates the effects of polyherbal oil on external local application in musculo-skeletal disorders with the main objective being to study the efficacy of Ayurvedicpolyherbal oil to relieve joint pain, stiffness, inflammation, swelling and sprain (contusion).
In the present study, 60 patients were selected randomly and treated with the external application of the polyherbal drug preparation for 3 weeks over the course of which, proper assessment of the patients before and after treatment led to significant reduction of pain, inflammation and stiffness.
Out of the 60 patients observed, 18 patients (30%) showed 75-100% relief (Cured) symptomatically. 28 patients (46.67%) were markedly improved (50-75%). 9 patients (15%) showed improvement (25-50%) in the symptoms. 5 of the patients were found to get relief below 25%.
Thus, we could conclude that the polyherbal preparation was effective in curing musculo-skeletal disorders caused by Vata vitiation due to trauma.