Posterior uveitis and its sequelae are known to be sight threatening and has diverse etiologies and presentations. Identification of etiology is important as management is different in infections and autoimmune diseases. The aim of this study was to do a prospective analysis of 75 patients with posterior uveitis to identify frequency of etiology, most common presentation, complications and the cause of visual loss. A review of the history, clinical examination, ancillary investigations and laboratory tests were done for all patients at presentation and follow up. Infections were noted in 37% and autoimmune diseases in 33%. The most frequent presentation was choroiditis. The most common etiology was tubercular posterior uveitis, toxoplasma and autoimmune serpiginous choroiditis. Recurrences and complications were observed.Posterior uveitis in our setting was observed in the 4th decade of life and was mostly due to infection. Infections may present with posterior uveitis before becoming apparent assystemic disease.Macular complications weremost commonly cystoid macular edema and macular scarring.