Introduction and Aim: Extreme elevation the of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR≥100 mm/1st hour) is usually associated with significant diseases. This study was performed to evaluate clinical profile of the patients at a tertiary care hospital.
Methods: Patients aged >18 years of either sex with raised ESR ≥100mm/1st hour admitted in the indoor ward of the Department of Medicine, IGMC Shimla were included in the study. Patients with ESR <100 mm/1st hour, unwilling to undergo further investigation, or not willing to consent to participate in the study, were excluded from the study. Data were presented as frequency and percentages
Results: 1.84% of the patients (n=150) had ESR >100 mm/1st hour over the period of one year among all admitted patients in indoor ward of the Department. Renal failure was the most common cause of elevated ESR (48.7%) followed by infections (36.7%), malignancy (10%), endocrine disorders (6%), cardiovascular disease (5.3%), liver disease (5.3%), and connective tissue disorders (4%).
Conclusion: Renal failure was the most common cause of elevated ESR in our patients.