Background: CNS tumors comprise 1-2% of all malignancies. CNS tumors encompass a broad spectrum with regards to age, location, histology and clinical outcome. Materials and Methods: In the period between May 2019 - May 2021. Retrospectively analyzed data on 87 CNS biopsies were diagnosed with CNS tumors according to the World Health Organization’s diagnostic criteria. Patients data were retrieved from the archives of the department of pathology, RIMS. Results: A total of 87 cases of CNS tumors were diagnosed during a two year periods. Age group considered between 2-70 years age group with CNS tumors that were histologically confirmed. The most common tumors was Meningioma (34.48%) with female predominance followed by Astrocytoma (22.98%) and Schwannoma (20.68%). Conclusion: The present study provides information regarding the spectrum and frequency of various CNS lesions in our area and concludes that histological examination of biopsies is gold standard for accurate diagnosis of various lesion of CNS when coupled with radiological and clinical data.