Lectures, which were traditionally taken via chalk and board, are slowly being replaced by multimedia due to advances in technology. This Cross-sectional, observational study compared the students’ preference for chalk and board and multimedia computer-based lectures. 241 bachelors of Physiotherapy students were asked to fill a questionnaire consisting of ten questions on two teaching methodologies: chalk and board and multimedia computer-based lectures. In addition to rating the 10 questions on a five-point Likert scale ranging from 1-Disagree strongly to 5-Agree strongly, the students had to describe qualitatively their preference for a particular teaching method. Students preferred chalk and board method (p<0.001) for ‘attempts student teacher interaction’, and multimedia computer-based lectures (p<0.05) for ‘Contents are more informative’. Overall the chalk and board was more preferred to multimedia computer-based lectures.
In conclusion, the teacher impacts the maximum, whatever may be the teaching method employed. A good multimedia computer-based lecture can engage student, prevent distraction and promote a good student experience. However a number of students still preferring older methods compared to multimedia computer-based lectures cannot be ignored.