Body mass index is a simple non expensive non surrogate method to measure obesity, malnutrition and other health issue of a population. It is widely used method in determining public health. As per “The state of world children 2016” India ranks tenth in terms of underweight prevalence in the world. A cross-sectional study was carried out in the schools of Bilhari Jabalpur located in rural area of Jabalpur, students was effectively interviewed by predesigned questionnaire regarding Socio-demographic profile that is current residence, age, economical status and family size and life style practices like the physical activity questions. 266 adolescents of 13-17 years studied out of which 100 were male and 166 were female. Our study shows that 15.7% of male and 33% of female were underweight. And only 13.5% of male and 19.5 % of female normal. Study reveals that the economic status of the adolescents are the most important factor of their nutrition.