The evolution of Regenerative Medicine shaped its way by cloning a sheep named DOLLY in Scotland. It’s a breakthrough in the science of regenerative technology. We endodontists, deal with hardest (enamel) and delicate tissue (pulp) of human tooth. Though the lost tooth structures are currently being replaced by various restorative materials, none of them match the properties of natural structures, as no material is in par with the lost tooth structure.
Thus, emphasis is being made on regeneration of the lost tooth structure. So, it is of utmost
importance for us to know and follow the current trend of recent advances in regenerative techniques. It is clear that fluoride treatments are generally effective in remineralising the hard tissues of the tooth. In continuous research in this field, there are evidences of many remineralising agents, but none are as satisfactory in replacing either by speed, volume and
mechanical properties. Advanced materials like bone morphogenic protein, bio-ceramics, amelogenin, bio-glass also have limitations inspite of their advantages. There are many recent advances coming up in the case of pulp regeneration by means of pulp revascularization and regenerative endodontics.
This paper reminds the importance of simulating mother nature in getting back the lost tooth structure by enamel remineralisation, reparative dentin formation, regenerative endodontics.