Withaniasomnifera(Ashwagandha) is a plant used in medicine from the time of Ayurveda the in ancient system of India medicine. The dried roots of the plant are usedfor treatment of nervous and sexual disorder. From chemistry point of view the drug contains group of biological active constituents known as withanolides have been studied and they are widely distributed in family solanacae. Withaferina has shown significant anticancer activity. Majority of the anticancer drugs like vinblastine vincristine and taxol have been derived from green flora. Today there is much interest in natural product with anticancer activity. According to various surveys, the stress is the major problem for many diseases ranching form psychiatric disorders to endocrine disorder including diabetes mellitus hypothyroidism male sexual dysfunction, peptic ulcer hypertension ulcerative colitis etc. In holy Geeta, it is seen that Arjun was one of the sufferer from stress during Mahabharata war. It is similar to the modern concept of adapt genic agent which gives the protection to the human physiological system against distressed. Recent studies shows that the Ayurveda herbs having adaptogen could induces a state of non-specific increase of resistance to affect internal homeostasis. The adaptogens improve the response to stress and help the body to adapt by normalizing physiological processes in the times of increased stress.