Greenhouse gases are increasing in the earth’s atmosphere and causing climate change. Scientist, policy makers, and citizens are trying to determine how to decrease and possibly reverse emissions of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon sequestration is the capture and secure storage of Carbon by biotic and processes. Carbon sequestration is the process characteristic of the species employed for plantation but depends on the continuous management of the plantation also. Assessment of carbon stocks in vegetation and soil is a basic step in evaluating the carbon sequestration potential of an ecosystem. There are estimates that terrestrial ecosystems could sequester significant quantities of carbon over the next 50 years. The impact of this sequestration could help buy time for other technologies to come on-line by delaying the need for more dramatic decreases in global emissions. There is increasing interest in scientific advances that can be used to further enhance this potential sequestration of carbon in plants. This paper summarizes current research that is addressing few researches which shows that bamboo has proved its applicability as a substrate for sequestering ample amount on carbon. Bamboo as a plantation is being popular in hilly region like Uttarakhand and researches show that it can absorb far more carbon than other plants or soil.