In modern era very few people are blessed with naturally perfect skin. Many people today are living in cities, constantly exposed to dirt and pollution, pursuing high speed ,tension producing life, use of many beauty products, detergent, use of polyester clothes, chemical insecticides, pesticides, industrial pollution etc. due to these factors skin disorders may cause. Ultraviolet rays harmful for our healthy skin it does not only affect to the outer layer but also affect to the inner layer of body. And in other aspects of skin disorders, unhealthy diet, not proper management of time, sleep, stress, medicines etc. by which skin is affected. Smoking and Alcohol drinking is second most factor affection skin. They can raise acne, rashes and irritations on the body. The climate factor also affects the skin.
In our Ayurvedic samhitas number of Charmrogas are mentioned which shows the importance of skin. Various treatments for Charmrogs have been mentioned in which Pathya ahara vihar and Dincharya is very important. Dincharya palan, healthy diet, proper exercise, yoga like Pranayam, Suryanamaskar are the ideal treatment in skin disorder. It is very important of elimination of accumulation of toxic in the body. The Ayurvedic approach to caring of skin will help us to maintain a good skin and is better way than any other recent pathy.