Background: Increasing resistance to the antibiotics is becoming major threat to public health. Most of the children admitted to Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) have life threatening illnesses. The admitted children may already have infection or acquire various infections due to different procedures, use of invasive devices, and extended length of stay. Objectives: To audit the antibiotics used in pediatric ward to generate a profile of antimicrobial use and suspected adverse drug reactions (ADRs) attributable to them. Materials and methods: The present study was conducted in Pediatric ward ofShri. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Sarvopchar Rugnalaya, a teaching hospital in Solapur, from January 2018 to June 2018. For the study, we selected patients admitted to the pediatric ward. A total of 100 patients of either sex or ranging from age of 1- 14 years were included in the study. The prescriptions of the patients were taken and details such as type of antibiotics prescribed, dosage of the antibiotics, duration of the therapy, and number of drugs were recorded. Results: A total of 224 patients were studied and with respect to age showed more cases were from 3-6 year age group i.e. 87 (38.84%) with mean age ± standard deviation was 05.45 ± 01.59 years and male contribution was 60.71% i.e. 136 in comparison to female i.e. 88 (39.29%). Mean weight and height ± standard deviation was found to be 14.80 ± 07.23 kg and 88.32 ± 19.54 Cm respectively. Conclusion: Over prescription of antibiotics is one of the major issues in pediatric wards, so it’s a need to update guidelines for prescribers for appropriate and rational use of antibiotics to prevent development of resistance to these drugs.