Objective: To know the attitudes about gender equality in the Academic Units of the central zone of the Autonomous University of Guerrero.
Methodology: The design was quantitative, descriptive and transversal, the questionnaire Scale of Attitudes of Students towards Coeducation was applied by Rafael Garcia Pérez, MariaAngeles Rebollo Catalan, Olga Buzón Garcia, Ramón González, Raquel Barragan Sánchez y Estrella Ruiz Pin (Rebollo, Buzón, González , Barragán, & Ruíz, 2010), composed of 30 Likert-type items, to measure the attitudes and positioning of the students before the construction of a culture of gender in the school based on equality, respect for biodiversity and the non-violent resolution of conflicts.
Results.The results obtained in the items of the sociocultural level show tensions and unresolved aspects in the social model of gender, despite the progress made in terms of equality that are assumed by the students.One example is the items 1 and 7, in which, although the students think that domestic tasks can perform well both men and women (item 7) do not agree that women do better, in item 17 it can be noted a difference between girls and boys in responding that lesbian girls are less trustworthy than women, since women responded that they disagree, while men responded that they did not know. The results obtained from the students in the relational plane and the personal level, show the lowest values, that is, the students present less defined attitudes towards equality, observing a more sexist attitude in women than in men, the sexist attitude implies reproducing publicly, and unconsciously, gender stereotypes and patriarchal mandates to male and female roles. The adaptive attitude assumes a politically correct position in the formal and public.Our results showed that more than 90% of students present a sexist attitude towards gender equality.Conclusions Our study shows that girls obtain lower means than girls in all indicators of equality. There are girls and boys in all categories, but the scores indicate that both sexes approach a more sexist profile. While the lower percentage throws us into an adaptive attitude, followed by an egalitarian attitude with a zero percentage.On the other hand, the low scores in the relation dimension, as well as the differences between boys and girls in this plane, advise to focus greater efforts in the prevention of gender violence, educating in relational competences for the pacific resolution of conflicts and strategies for a coexistence in equality.
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