Background: polypharmacy has been recognized as a serious rising issue in healthcare and clinical settings, specifically in geriatric population. With an increasing aging demographic, a global concern for polypharmacy should be addressed. Several studies showed correlation between poly pharmacy and quality of life. Methods: This cross-sectional study aimed to determine the relation of polypharmacy in elderly patients in KFAFH in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia functional status and depression. 268 patients had participated in the study and functional status was measured with Euro Qol-5 Dimension-5Levelquestionnaire (EQ-5D-5L) and depression with PHQ-9 questionnaires. Linear regression model was used to assess the correlation. Results: it is revealed that the mean medication number of the 268 included patients was 7.03 ± 1.8, with a minimum number of five and maximum of 14. Statistical analyses also revealed that polypharmacy was significantly correlated to the patient’s functional status, as indicated by the mobility, providing one’s self-care, and engagement to activity. Moreover, results revealed that polypharmacy was significantly correlated to depressive conditions. Conclusion: polypharmacy was determined to be significantly correlated with functional declination and depression, which is affecting the patient’s QoL.