The improvement of the indicator of infant mortality in municipalities depends on basics anitationactions, income and education. This study aims to analyze the association among basics anitation indicators and HDI-M and infantmortality in the 100 biggest Brazilian municipalities. Ecological study with association analysis of three indicators was carried out: infantmortality rate, and sanitation ranking HDI-M with application of multivariate linear regression. The average infant mortality rate was 12.8 per 1000 live births. The Ranking of sanitation and HDI-M, were 5.94 and 0.756 respectively. A Pearson correlation analysis shows that there is negative correlation between infant mortality and the variables of sanitation and human development. The multiple linear regression indicates that improving the ranking of sanitation and HDI-M infantmortality rate couldbringdown in 20.1% in thosemunicipalities. The improvement of the quality of life of cities depends one ducation, income and basics anitation because they might affect child mortality resulting in the reduction of inequalities among the largest Brazilian municipalities