Background: With the risk for aggressive periodontal disease being substantially heritable, search for new screening tools are in the forefront. Dermatoglyphics being one of the diagnostic tools has been an area of research. Although periodontitis is a multifactorial disease, their genetic determinants that exist could be suggestive of specific dermatoglyphic patterns for aggressive periodontitis. Though extensive research work has been carried out regarding dermatoglyphics and blood group system, combined study assessing the relationship with aggressive periodontitis subjects are rare. Hence the present study attempted to find any association of aggressive periodontitis with dermatoglyphic pattern and ABO blood group.
Objectives: The present study aimed to compare the dermatoglyphic pattern, ABO blood groups with Rh factor in periodontally healthy and aggressive periodontitis subjects.
Material and Methods: This study was conducted on 50 periodontally healthy subjects and 50 subjects diagnosed with aggressive periodontitis. The finger print patterns of participants were recorded using a rolling impression technique using duplicating ink on paper. Venous blood was collected from each subject and analyzed for determination of ABO blood groups. The obtained data were subjected to statistical analysis.
Results: It was observed that there is statistically significant increased frequency of ulnar and radial loops on the fingers of patients with aggressive periodontitis and also statistically increased prevalence of patients with A positive blood in aggressive periodontitis.
Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, it may be concluded that dermatoglyphics can represent an anatomical, non-invasive, inexpensive tool for screening high-risk population and thus facilitate early detection and management