Introduction & Aim: Implants has a choice in patients treatment plan has become very popular in recent times. CBCT plays an important aid in preoperative assessment for implant placement. This study aims to evaluate the depth and angle of concavity of the lingual depression of submandibular salivary gland fossa and its variations among gender.
Materials & Methods: A retrospective analysis of the depth and angle of concavity of the lingual depression of the submandibular gland fossa was assessed in 100 Cone Beam Computed Tomographic images in planmeca promax 3D mid proface unit with romexis software, taken for the purpose of implant assessment in the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Chennai. The deepest regions of submandibular gland fossa and the concavity angle between the alveolar crest and the upper limit of the infra alveolar canal were measured. The data was tabulated and then subjected for statistical analysis using IBM SPSS software version 19.
Results: A probability value (p value) < 0.05 was obtained by chi square test. According to the results, the deepest point in most of the cases was above the dentoalveolar canal and also as the depth increases the angle also increases. The mean angle was 38.90 in females and 36.70 in males. The average depth was 1.46 mm in females and 1.39 mm in males.
Conclusion: Cross sectional CBCT imaging provides an excellent delineation of mandibular anatomy and assessment of depth of submandibular gland fossa for implant placement and other surgical procedures. Submandibular fossa location, size, depth, its possible anatomical variations can be fully assessed with the help of CBCT prior to implant placement or any surgical procedure in the posterior mandible. There by preventing haematoma at floor of mouth which is the common complication of lingual perforation leading to an implant failure.