Background: Data Quality Self-Assessment (DQS) tools are an important instrument toidentify and address gaps in the immunization system of a country. The DQS described here was designed to assess the accuracy of the immunization data reported in the medical registers, as well as measure the quality of the immunization monitoring system at the district and local levels.
Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study evaluating immunization data in fourrandomly selected health facilities which offer immunization services in the Tshishimbi Health zone of East Kasai province. Two DQS tools were used: (1) the Verification Factor (VF), which measures the accuracy of immunization data, and (2) the Quality Index (QI), which measure the quality of the immunization system monitoring.
Results: Over-reporting on administration of third-dose of pentavalent vaccine wasidentified in Tshiaba, Mukeba and Ditalala health facilities. Over-reporting for the measles antigen was found in Tshiaba and Tshibombo health facilities, while under-reporting for this antigen was evident in Ditalala and Mukeba health facilities. The mean QI was well below the 80% threshold for both the district and health facilities: 63% and 49%, respectively.
Conclusion: Data reporting and quality of the immunization monitoring system need to beimproved, one possible solution is through regular supportive supervision.