Objective: To compare the foot posture of pregnant women with the control group of non-pregnant women of same age group using foot posture index.
Backgound: Pregnancy leads to the permanent changes in foot which leads to many musculoskeletal problems.(12) Early assessment of foot may help to prevent many postural problems associated with pregnancy. Studies had been conducted for assessment of posture in pregnant women specially spine posture. There is dearth in the literature regarding assessment of foot posture individually using foot posture index. A number of different methods have been described in the literature to quantify or classify standing foot posture. The Foot Posture Index (FPI) has been proposed as a fast, simple method of visually classifying foot postures as pronated, supinated or normal based upon six different visual foot posture criteria.(2)
Methodology: Total 60 women were taken by convenient sampling i.e. 30 pregnant women and 30 non-pregnant women. Written consent form was taken in the language best understood by them. Women were assessed according to 6 criteria of foot posture index.
Result and Conculsion: Data was collected and analysed. Unpaired t test was used to compare foot posture in pregnant and non-pregnant women to find out significance. P value (p=79) is statistically not significant. Thus there is no difference in foot posture of pregnant and non-pregnant women.