A speciation analysis of chromium was done in water, soil and industrial effluents using two different analytical instruments. Correlating the results of Cr (VI) in soil obtained by FAAS and U.V.Visible Spectrophotometers gives the correlation coefficient as 0.9840. Although chromium loss was observed at the time of sample processing, no significant difference was observed when correlating the results obtained by sum of Cr (VI) and Cr (III) with that of total chromium in soil using FAAS (R2 = 0.9989). Accuracy of the method was validated by performing spiking. The spiking recoveries was between 91 – 106% and %RSD <5%.Furthermore, for comparison purposes five soil and water samples were collected apart from the industrial area of Sanand (residential areas) and their soil Cr (VI) levels are within the acceptable level of 10 mg/kg of soil as proposed by WHO.