This paper was prepared to estimate the current and projected relationship between climate change (temperature) and variability and the productivity of sorghum in Gadarif State. The study ultilized secondary data covering 1970-2014. The data analyzed using Bias Correction and Spatial Downscaling (BCSD) and Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs). The important results that an increasing trend of temperature indicating the evidence of existance of climate change.The a drop in crop yield associated with an increase in maximum and minimum temperatures. There are two scenarios based on greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere during 2020-2100. The results of best scenario assumed an RCP of 2.6 an expected increase yearly in maximum and minimum temperatures at rate of 0.015°C and 0.010°C respectively; and consequent decrease in crop yield at rate of 1.121 kg/fed/year in case of maximum temperature; and at rate of 0.618 kg/fed/year in case of minimum temperature, and the results of worst one assumed an RCP of 8.5 predicted yearly increase in maximum and minimum temperatures at 0.074°C and 0.081°C respectively, with consequent decline in crop yield at a rate of 5.235 kg/fed/year associated with maximum and at rate of 4.844 kg/fed/year associated with minimum temperature. The effect of increase greenhouse gas concentration in future leads to increase maximum and minimum temperatures and decrease yield of sorghum in Gadarif State.