The present study was carried out to evaluate antifungal activity of Tridax procumbens against phytopathogenic fungi. Tridax procumbens commonly called as ‘coat button’. In our study a total 25 samples were collected from infected plants like Rice, Citrus, Cucumber, Pulses and Ladies Finger. The phytopathogenic fungal strains resistant to various choosen chemical fungicides subjected to action of Tridax procumbens. In the current study Aqueous crude extract and methanolic extract of leaves, stem and whole plant material of Tridax procumbens evaluated for effectiveness based on zone of growth inhibition against phytopathogenic fungi. Aqueous extracts has remarked antifungal properties. Leaf extract showing broad spectrum of action against chemical fungicides resistant strains of Fusarium spp, Rizoctonia spp, Mucor spp, Penicillium spp and Aspergillus spp. This study shown aqueous as well as organic extracts of Tridax procumbens could be applied as alternative remedy to synthetic pesticides for using in agro- industries.