Water availability is the most important parameter for the success of any water Resources Project. In highly drought prone areas annual rainfall is very less & scanty, even in Kharif season crops get dried up. Employment opportunities are also very less. In such areas, many a times practically no big dams can be constructed togive irrigation facility by gravity flow. Water may have to be transported from a plentiful area to scarce area. Lift irrigation schemes are the one to give solution to provide water for drinking & irrigation. In Maharashtra, the Krishna Koyna Lift Irrigation Scheme (KKLIS) which consists of Mhaisal & Takari major Lift Irrigation projects, supply water to highly drought prone areas in Sangli, Solapur districts. The present paper discusses the water availability for Mhaisal LIS. Water is lifted from river Krishna in rainy season and from Koyna reservoir viz.Shivajisagar by releasing in river Krishna, as and when required during the other two seasons. With available rainfall & inflow data of catchment of Koyna Project, using statistical techniques, water availability for Mhaisal LIS through Shivajisagar reservoir is studied.