This study aimed to analyze the influence of Transformational Leadership Style and Leadership Style on Organizational Learning Services. The research method is quantitative, the population elements of leadership SKPD (SKPD) in Jakarta Provincial Government, consisting of the Department and the Agency which provide services directly to the public. The sample was Head of Department and Head of the Agency and all as many as 163 people. Sampling method is done by census. This study uses linear regression analysis techniques, followed by a partial hypothesis test (t test) and simultasn (F test) with alpha 5 percent. 21.00 SPSS analysis tools. The results of the research that Transformational Leadership Style and Service Leadership Style positive and significant impact on Organizational Learning either partially or simultaneously. From the analysis of determination there are other factors that affect the variables in addition to Organizational Learning and Transformational Leadership Style Leadership Style Services. The better the Transformational Leadership Style and Leadership Styles then it will be the better for Organizational Learning sectors in Jakarta Provincial Government.