Actiniopteris radiata is an important medicinal plant, used in traditional medicines for the treatment of various diseases. In the present study, analgesic activity of the methanolic extract of Actiniopteris radiata was investigated. The methanolic extract of Actiniopteris radiata were ingested orally in the form of suspension in two different doses 175 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg body weight. The analgesic effect of Actiniopteris radiata was tested in mice by Acetic Acid Induced Writhing (AAIW) and Eddys Hot Plate (EHP) method, results were compared with the standard (pentazocin 5 mg/kg). The results showed significant inhibition of number of writhing in AAIW and jumping, licking responses in EHP method. The results indicate that the extracts could posses’ analgesic properties and it can be suggested that methanolic extract of Actiniopteris radiata can be used in the management of painful conditions.