Background: Clinical treatment is the most indicate for cases of amoebian hepatic abscess. The earlier the diagnosis, the quicker the farmacological treatment can be oferted, resulting in good prognosis for the patient. Recognize signals and symptoms is fundamental for a substantial suspicion jointly with imaging exams.
Cases report: Two case reports of two patients diagnosticated with ampebian hepatic abscess. First patient: WRO, 45 years old, male, admitted to the emergency room of the Hospital Center of the Municipality of Santo André with diagnostic hypothesis of acute inflammatory abdomen, was submitted to exploratory laparotomy with epiploic appendagitis, submitted to resection of epiploic appendages, however there was no clinical improvement, it maintained leukocytosis and ultrasound showed liver abscess of approximately 7cm in diameter, confirmed by abdominal computed tomography. Second patient: J.M.C., 75 years old, female, entered at the same service with a diagnostic hypothesis of acute inflammatory abdomen. An abdomminal tomographywas performed, which revealed hepatic abscess, whose amebic etiology was confirmed by microscopic examination of fresh stool. Clinical treatment with antibiotic therapy and anti-parasitic treatment was started for both patients, resulting in lesions decrease, confirmed by radiological examination, therefore, no surgical intervention was required in any of the cases.
Conclusion: The adopted approach was conservative and consisted in the administration of antiparasitics and antibiotics, not choosingabscessespunction. These guidelines are recommended by other reports and studies that have shown that abscess puncture should be reserved for particular cases and that the single use of pharmacological therapy is effective in decreasing abscess size and resolution.