Experiments was conducted to study the role of vitamin E on haematological parameters in chromium induced toxicity in laboratory chicks. Analysis of normal haematological parameters of chicks is essential for the diagnosis of various pathological and metabolic disorders. It can be used as diagnostic tool in order to assess the health status of an individual and/or a flock. Haematological changes are commonly used to determine the body status and to assess the impact of environmental, nutritional and pathological stresses. Developing chicks (100±20 gm body weight, 2-3 weeks old) were used as experimental animals. Blood samples of chicks were collected and analyzed after experiment. Total Red Blood Cell count (RBC), total White Blood Cell count (WBC), Haemoglobin concentration (Hb) and Packed Cell Volume (PCV) were assessed. All these hematological parameters showed significant decrease in chromium treated group as compared to vitamin E administered group. Supplementation of vitamin E resulted in marked improvements in haematological parameters in co-treated group. The treatment of vitamin E normalized these haematological values up to the control level, signifying its protective effect in hexavalent chromium induced toxicity.