Additions to algal flora of mehekari lake in beed district of maharashtra-i

Prakash B. Jadhavar and P.B.Papdiwal

During the present study the members of chlorophyaceae, bacillariophyaceae and cyanophyaceae were noted. The chlorophyacean members were Chlorococcum infusionum (Schrank) Meneghini, Pediastrum integrum Naegeli, Oocystis pyriformis Prescott, Coelastrum proboscideum Bohlin., Scenedesmus acutiformis Schroeder, Oedogonium cardiacum (Hass.) Wittrock, bacillariophyacean members were Fragillaria intermedia Grun., Navicula cari Ehr. var. angusta Grun., and cyanophyacean were Aphanocapsa biformis A.Br., Lyngbya birgei Smith, G.M and Scytonema arcangelii Born. et Flah.

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