Hyperprolactinemia is a disorder of the endocrine system that causes the body to produce higher levels of prolactin than normal. Prolactin hormone stimulates the production of breast milk during pregnancy and is inducing the lactation after giving birth. In absence of pregnancyif the prolactin levels are high, it may lead to infertility. Acupuncture as part of the Traditional Chinese Medicine treats hormonal imbalances very often. Acupuncture can regulate and rapidly normalize the prolactin levels. The treated patient is an 18 year old girl with high levels of prolactin - 49 ng/mL (normal range – 4.50-33.0 ng/mL). The menstruation was also delayed for several days. The patient was treated with acupuncture with duration of 35-40 minutes one side of the body. 9 treatments were made once weekly in a period of 3 months. After the 9th treatment the results from the blood test came normal and the prolactin level was normalized – 22.1 ng/mL.Acupuncture as a treatment for hyperprolactinemia can be a very successful treatment by improving the hormone levels, harmonizing the menstrual and ovulation function and the overall reproductive health.